Our purpose is to support Foster and Kin carers, families, and workers by providing professional services to increase knowledge, skills and competencies needed to support and care for children and young people in Foster and Kin care or families working towards restoration.
Tammy is a strong advocate for social justice. She works tirelessly to bring about social change and quality care for children, young people and their families.
Along with 15 years experience working in the out-of-home care sector, Tammy has held positions in Families First, early intervention roles. Tammy is an experienced and motivated trainer and enjoys seeing carers reach their full potential.
Tammy has qualifications in psychology, sociology and marketing. She holds a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
Alison Ewington is an educator and trainer, qualified in Early Childhood, Social Science and Social Welfare. Alison is a well-respected member of the community service sector and is a Welfare teacher at the Institute of TAFE NSW. Alison has been responsible for a number of professional training programs which included developing and delivering a ‘safe home’ workshop for Child Care staff in NSW on the impact of domestic and family violence on children. Alison was a facilitator of ‘keep them safe’ training to Mandatory reporters when introduced in NSW. As an Out of home care manager Alison has extensive experience working with children, young people and families who have experienced trauma. Alison is involved in all aspects of fostering growth and is an experienced trainer, assessor and reviewer. Alison has a particular interest in training & supporting carers to support the healing of children from abuse, neglect, grief, and loss.